Avengers Video Game: 12 Essential Features It Must Have

11. More Than One Perspective

In a game like this, you never want the player to be in one configuration. Keeping it exclusively within first or third-person is only going to make a game that needs to be the biggest game of all time feel constrained, or worse yet, like some on-rails shooter. You need a world, an open world where anything is possible, and the player can be whichever Avenger they want at any time. Perhaps there's a section of the game where you control Black Widow in some kind of air vehicle, trading fire with the enemy while the AI-controlled Avengers assist you. Follow that up by putting you directly into the helmet of Iron Man, allowing the player control over a first-person explosion fest and then finishing it up with controlling the Hulk to clean up the rest of the baddies with some smashing. You could even throw in the concept of choosing a set number of Avengers to take on a mission, granting the player unprecedented freedom in which heroes take on the bad guys and how the mission is won. It's all about player choice these days, so there's no better way to enforce it than by letting them choose how to complete the game, and who they want to do it with.
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The Avengers
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.