Batman: Arkham 2017: 10 Ways To Make The Perfect Damian Wayne Game

7. Change The 'Arkham' Formula

Batman Arkham Knight Batarang

Rocksteady's 'Arkham' formula - much like that of Assassin's Creed's - is getting old. Like, really old.

I mean, it still possesses the very same trappings that made Arkham Asylum such a hit back in 2009, but, contrary to critical consensus, City, Origins and Knight have never truly delivered upon the full potential hinted at in that first entry. Tweaks were made of course, but apart from some innovation in traversal (wonderfully represented in Knight), freeflow, and enemy types, we're yet to see the series offer a fundamental alteration to its formula - or at least one that wasn't wholly antithetical to its foundations.

Any further entries simply have to do better, with the most obvious areas to improve being stealth, narrative and, most importantly, detective gameplay - elements predominantly devoid of nuance, challenge and immersion.

I understand that the mantra of 'Being the Batman' is meant to empower the player, but that fantasy only succeeds when the threat of death is a looming prospect. Indeed, one of the most endearing things about the character is his vulnerability, and whilst yes, he's a bonafide badass in every sense of the word, he can still be killed; solutions to armed enemies can no longer be a mere gargoyle away.

The franchise's 'follow the trail' style of detective gameplay is also due a massive overhaul. Standing over an object and hitting 'A' repeatedly while an over-glorified cutscene takes place just doesn't make for captivating gameplay, degrading the player to nothing more than a spectator, the game itself firmly behind the steering wheel as an over-reliance on Alfred and the Bat-Computer pervades the Bat's decision-making process.

For once, just let fans head back to the Bat-Cave to piece things together for themselves. I'm not asking for L.A. Noire here, but interactive interrogations, evidence gathering and deduction should all be major pillars of gameplay for the series going forth. Just give the action a rest for a change.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.