Batman: Arkham 2017 - 8 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know
6. It'll Take Place Over Multiple Nights

Addressing another major gripe about the previous games, the new game supposedly strives to take course over multiple nights, instead of relying on the player’s suspension of disbelief. There is no way the events of Arkham Knight took place over one night. Each side-mission would have to take Batman five minutes to complete.
I know he’s good, but he is not that good.
Spanning multiple nights would allow for much better pacing instead of everything feeling crammed into a tight timeframe. Giving the story time to breathe and develop over a longer period can only serve to benefit the narrative overall.
As to how many nights the story will take place over, we don’t know, but I can’t imagine the game taking more than a week to transpire. The game could even branch into day-time with a few different sequences, but they would have to be careful about how they are done considering the Batman’s general affiliation to darkness.
Hopefully next year we can see a game really benefit from an expanded time-frame.