Batman: Arkham Asylum - 10 Coolest Easter Eggs, Secrets And References Explained

8. Ra's Al Ghul's Wandering Corpse

Batman Arkham Asylum Ras al Ghul

Ra's al Ghul is the principle antagonist of Batman: Arkham City, and even has a key part to play in Arkham Knight's Season of Infamy DLC. Factor in the League of Assassins' presence in Arkham Origins AND his little easter egg in Arkham Asylum, and you can accurately describe the undying ecological terrorist as a series staple.

Fans first stumbled across Ra's in the series while on their way to Dr. Young's office. Before they turn the corner, there's a sort of mini-morgue along the wall. One of the bodies poking out as a toe-tag with Ra's' name on it, showing that the Head of the Demon was now the Head of the Deceased...on.

(It made sense in my head.)

There's actually a whole backstory to this, with it being confirmed that Bats personally escorted Ra's' body to Arkham before the events of the game. However, should the player leave the scene and come back later on, they'll find al Ghul's body missing, paving the way for his return in Arkham City two years later.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.