Batman: Arkham Beyond - 10 Reasons It's The Perfect Sequel

1. The 'Return Of The Joker' Storyline Can Let Mark Hamill Return

Batman beyond arkham
Warner Bros

One of the most memorable moments of Batman Beyond is its feature-length episode, 'Return of The Joker'. Mark Hamill reprised his role as the Clown Prince of Crime to face off with an entirely new Batman. Given that Joker was such an important character across the Arkham franchise, to have an instalment without him seems almost unthinkable, and this storyline would be the perfect way to work it in.

The Joker ends the franchise well and truly dead, as he does in the TV Movie, so his mysterious return could be an important part of the story, as Bruce Wayne struggles with seeing the arch nemesis that once infected his mind in Arkham Knight.

Rocksteady, of course, could take some liberties in deciding who or what this Joker actually is. One possible option would be for the Arkham Knight to become Joker after the horrific torture experienced at his hands. Whoever they decide the Joker is, the story has the potential to be the driving force behind Terry's game.

This gives casual fans a more memorable villain than one like Blight who, while entertaining, may not have the same presence as the Joker to drive his own game.


I'm an English Student at The University of Surrey, and will be writing a lot about Films, Music, Comics and pretty much everything on the site. Opinions are subjective so everybody is right, but some people are just more right than others.