Batman: Arkham Beyond - 10 Reasons It's The Perfect Sequel

7. The Riddler Challenges Can Live On

Batman beyond arkham

One of the best parts of the Arkham trilogy is the Riddler trophies and challenges. These various tasks should seem tedious yet Rocksteady found a way to make them fun by working them into side missions in the later instalments. If these were to return in Batman Beyond there are a variety of ways in which they could be done.

One possible option is to have Terry stumble upon an old riddler trophy to find out from Bruce that the Riddler has been missing for years. The Riddler trophies would provide more and more and more clues as to The Riddler's whereabouts with his location being revealed once all the challenges were discovered. He could also leave a variety of video packages from when Bruce Wayne was still Batman, making the interactions between him and Terry intriguing and entertaining.

The challenges were a perfect way to get players to explore the deep world created by Rocksteady and having so many homages to classic Batman would allow the world to feel familiar yet different. The final reveal of The Riddler's location could also be very interesting depending on what happens.

With so many options, Rocksteady is surely going to impress whatever they pick.


I'm an English Student at The University of Surrey, and will be writing a lot about Films, Music, Comics and pretty much everything on the site. Opinions are subjective so everybody is right, but some people are just more right than others.