Batman: Arkham City - 10 Coolest Easter Eggs, Secrets And References Explained
5. You Can Find Hush Before Starting The Identity Thief Mission

This is admittedly my favourite easter egg in Arkham City, and you can find it relatively early in the game.
Once you've traced the bullet Joker fired towards the Court House and escape the exploding church, Batman will have to enter said church to rescue some medics captured by Harley Quinn. It serves as a simple reintroduction to the series' invisible predator segments, but in the rush to move onto the next part of the story, players may end up missing one of the coolest easter eggs in the entire game.
Once all the hostages have been rescued and the members of Joker's gang have been dealt with, move towards the upper left-hand-side of the building. Bats will be able to talk to the medics he's just rescued, but there is one particular hostage victim who looks worse for wear, wrapped in bandages, and clutching onto an organ transport box.
The rest of the medics aren't quite sure what happened, but fans will know this bandaged man to be Thomas Elliot, aka Hush. Hush was previously stationed at Arkham Asylum, but his presence at the beginning of Arkham City serves as a subtle introduction to the Identity Thief storyline, with that box most likely containing the faces he uses to remodel his own into Bruce Wayne's. He even grows distressed when Bruce's name comes on the radio!