Batman: Arkham - Everything You Need To Know About The Court Of Owls

4. They Eventually Go International

Nightwing Parliament of Owls
DC Comics

Although the Court were introduced as a faction unique to Gotham, later stories have positioned them in an international context, working as a 'Parliament of Owls' as opposed to the Court they were once known as.

As was revealed in the DC Rebirth Nightwing series, the Court actually have branches all over the world, gaining influence and power to suit their own means. The decision to go global does detract somewhat from the Court's ties to Gotham, but equally, it does make a little sense that a group with that many resources would want to expand at some point or another.

As for the Arkhamverse itself, could this be a way for WB to branch out into other aspects of the DC universe? Rocksteady and Montreal have been teasing a world outside of Gotham since Arkham Asylum released in 2009, and it makes sense to explore it at some point or another.

For now, though, it would be best to assume that the Court will remain a local operation in the next Arkham title. It's their first adventure after all; expansion can come later.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.