Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Best Side-Missions You Need To Find

8. Lamb To The Slaughter When it's available: Chapter 9 With the Arkham series Rocksteady has done a fantastic job of lifting Batman's legendary rogues from the pages of the comics and incorporating them into the Arkhamverse, as well as giving some of Batman's lesser-known villains some well-deserved exposure. The latest villain to step out of obscurity for an Arkham makeover is Deacon Blackfire, the central antagonist from 1988's Batman: The Cult. Seeing an opportunity to scratch that homicidal itch amidst the chaos of Halloween night, the cult leader has taken Jack Ryder hostage at the Lady Of Gotham to do about exactly what you'd expect of a man who thinks exfoliating with buckets of blood is the key to eternal youth - a good ol' human sacrifice. Yeah, this one's a nutter for sure and while Deacon Blackfire may not be the household name that the Jokers and Riddlers of the world are, it's still nice to see another baddie make the jump to the Arkhamverse.

Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.