Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know

3. Nightwing And Robin Will Have Playable Chapters

If you're a long-time Batman fan, you'll know that a good Batman story isn't just about the Caped Crusader. The best Batman stories also deal with his allies and how they are affected by his actions - in many ways, they are as essential to a Batman story as the titular hero. Commissioner Gordon will always have a big part to play in the Arkham series but it seems incredibly unlikely (given his age and lack of physical abilities) that he will ever take on a playable role. Thankfully, there's plenty of other heroes who are on hand to offer up some variety. Catwoman had her own playable chapters in Arkham City and these showed Gotham in a new light, dealing with different villains and scenarios, as well as focusing on a character with a unique combat style and equipment. Robin and Nightwing were both downloadable characters too, although they could only be used in challenge maps. Perhaps they were being trialed for a bigger run in Arkham Knight? Catwoman's playable chapters showed that offering a variety in story and character is a great idea for the series - Nightwing and Robin are both huge fan favourites so it's almost certainly been considered by Rocksteady at some point in time.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.