Batman Arkham Knight: 10 Characters Who Could Be The Arkham Knight

2. Bat-Mite

Considering he's been a part of the comic books for over fifty years at this point, it is nothing less than a travesty that Bat-Mite has not only yet to appear in any of the Arkham games, but in any Batman game period. An inter-dimensional being with near God-like power, can you honestly think of a more fitting villain to round of Rocksteady's Arkham trilogy? Plus he already wears his own knock-off costume, much like the Arkham Knight. Okay, so probably not, but it would be a pretty funny reveal. People would be so angry. And rightly so. Bat-Mite's ridiculous.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at