Batman Arkham Knight: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

3. The Suicide Squad - DLC, Origins Game Or Arkham Knight

DC ComicsDC ComicsThe Suicide Squad are a lesser known group of DC characters, whom the American government operate as Task Force X. A group of anti superhero supervillains used as deniable assets for the United States government. The Suicide Squad takes on black ops high risk missions in exchange for shortened prison sentences. At the very end of Batman Arkham Origins, Amanda Waller - the leader of the Suicide Squad - is seen recruiting Deathstroke from his cell, offering him a job. This small clue hasn't had any real significance before, but with the upcoming game, it may be that The Suicide Squad are about to make a splash in Gotham. Although Deathstroke has never been a traditional member of the Squad, both Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn definitely are, and they are well known around the Rocksteady Batman world. In Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate, shortly after the events of Batman Arkham Origins, Amanda Waller once again arranges a prison break to allow Catwoman an opportunity to recruit Bane to the Suicide Squad. Despite members of the Squad, Deadshot and Bronze Tiger being successfully abducted on Waller's Orders, Batman was able to defeat Catwoman and recapture Bane. Could it be that Waller has had enough of Batman interfering, and that the Suicide Squad is now aiming to take Batman down once and for all in Arkham Knight?

A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.