Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Things We Can't Wait To See

2. The Identity Of The Arkham Knight

One of the biggest questions going still revolves around the identity of the titular Arkham Knight, with everyone from Bruce's father Thomas Wayne, to the Joker and even Harley Quinn being tossed around as potential candidates. Our bet is that this is the one ace-in-the-hole that Rocksteady are keeping tighter to their chest than Tony Stark's chest-magnet (last Iron Man reference we promise), as forgoing any unwanted leaks that may arise between now and release date, this is a huge selling point for fans new and old. We know he can best Batman as we've seen it in the trailers released so far. We also can assume he's male based off his stature, but aside from that there's not been any information revealed in terms of motive or even reason for being in Gotham at this point in time. Could it be the Joker, Deadshot, a venom'd up Riddler? Let us know in the comments what you think, as in addition to this what we're really excited for is...
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