Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Things It Must Learn From Asylum

6. A Reason To Revisit Areas And Use All Your Gadgets

'Metroidvania' is the amalgamative title given to the blurring of both Metroid and Castlevania's structures - that idea of having parts of the world be cordoned off until you've got a certain item or weapon that'll let you gain access later on. Zelda has owned this more than most, with 2009's Shadow Complex also being a fantastic iteration on the formula too, but it was with Asylum that you'd see something like a weak ceiling or far-off grate only to realise later on you've now got the means to revisit older areas and open up new pathways. City's labyrinthine placement of alleyways and subway systems meant you were far more likely to stumble across something and attempt to interact with it then and there, rather than make a mental note and revisit yourself later on. For Arkham Knight although you'll be darting around the place in the Batmobile it's imperative to nail the look and feel of separate districts within Gotham for the sake of the player learning the map, not to mention having any frequented interiors look inviting and varied enough to warrant repeat visits and experimentation with all the gadgets.
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