Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

3. Superman Will Make An Appearance

As Rocksteady have repeatedly mentioned, they'd love to keep working on superhero titles going forward, leading to fans speculating which hero (or heroes) would receive the special treatment. Already mentioned earlier is the notion of the Justice League factoring into proceedings, and in addition it's been mentioned multiple times that Superman himself will actually appear to help out with a key point in the narrative. Batman and Superman are mentioned in the same breath more than ever these days thanks to the upcoming movie that'll pit them against each other, but whether or not Supes actually fits in the uber-serious gadget-focussed reality of this world is another matter entirely. There have been quite a few comparisons between the game and filmic versions of Batman both now and going forward, and just like how fans are waiting to see if a fight between Batman and Man of Steel's version of Superman can be anything less than laughable, here too there's a challenge to make such a ridiculously overpowered character believable. If he shows up, that is.
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