Batman: Arkham Knight - 20 Brand New Images You Need To See

18. Arkham Knight's Helmet Looks Cybernetic

It looks like Rocksteady have been taking cues from Metal Gear Solid in their original design of the Knight, as his new futuristic helmet lights up and pulsates with varying colours and Tony Stark-style HUD elements. A popular theory going around is that the Knight isn't a person at all, and instead an A.I. being controlled off-site by someone else. This would make sense if the only reason he's managed to better Batman in combat was down to being programmed to imitate and counter his every move - which an extremely detailed mask only helps to support.

17. The Arkham Knight's Army Assembles

From tanks to drone-fleets and scores of soldiers all branded with the same logo and patterns, whoever the Knight is, he's got access to some serious firepower. To dip back into the theory pool the idea that this is actually select members of the police force who are long-tired with Batman's antics and have funded a takedown operation for years is a very enticing one - although it doesn't explain why they'd be putting innocent people in harm's way as hostages.
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