Batman: Arkham Knight - 20 Brand New Images You Need To See

14. Takedown-Chaining And Escape Finishers

In addition to the idea of chaining together a number of takedowns in an ultra-slick slow-motion blend that sees Batman zipping between guys as their bodies fly all around, the HUD shows the option for 'Escape Takedowns'. These have suffixes like 'Grate', 'Ledge' or 'Grapple' so the assumption is if you need to take someone down and dart off back into the shadows, any part of your chain can be used to do so - eliminating the previous problem of getting stuck in an animation or having to awkwardly get out of the way of gunfire following an attack.

13. Branching Mission Paths

This factors into what was seen before with the vent infiltration, as going off what the HUD displays in the bottom right, it looks like you're free to hone in and mark specific targets, before going after them in whichever order you choose. For this mission Bats dives off a roof and through some glass into a room of goons, leading to a string of new combat finishers...
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