2. A Ra's Al Ghul Level That Doesn't Suck
Although they started off supremely well in Arkham Asylum (drip-feeding you hints all wasn't as it seemed, until you realised you were in one of Scarecrow's hallucinations), following that high-point it's been a steep decline with diminishing returns for the franchise's dream levels. Arkham City's with Ra's al Ghul sticks out as one of the worst offenders, putting you on a series of platforms and asking you to glide through specific rings before fighting him in what was admittedly a very cool fight aesthetically, but fell into age-old pattern-recognition to take him down. Simply put, considering Arkham Knight's jaw-dropping graphics engine and what we've already seen made possible through Scarecrow's nightmare levels (or his blanketing of the city in Fear Toxin), a Ra's level done right could be phenomenal.