Batman: Arkham Legacy - 10 Fatal Mistakes It Must Avoid

6. Forgetting Bruce Wayne

Batman Arkham Detective Mode

As capable a character as Batman is, even he can't do everything. Which is why the character of Bruce Wayne is so important. Bruce Wayne's role as the head of Wayne Enterprises as well as his connections to Gotham's elite are essential assets to the success of Batman's missions. Unfortunately within the Arkham series, Bruce Wayne is only present for a fleeting moment, if he shows up at all.

Imagine a mission taking place at a charity event in which Bruce Wayne is a key attendee, as a front to allow him access to a safe or other secure object or location. The player would have to utilize different stealth tactics and options in order to reach the objective and return to the gala while keeping his absence unnoticed.

Arkham Legacy has a chance to make Bruce Wayne an integral part of the story by having missions where the player has to utilize Batman's ability to be a master of disguise and cloak himself in the guise of Bruce Wayne. This would change up the flow of gameplay completely as Bruce would have few to no gadgets and would have to rely on completely different means to accomplish his objective.


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