Batman Arkham Origins: 5 Side-Missions That Would Be Cool

5. Batmobile Missions

batmobile We already know from IGN€™s first look at Arkham Origins that Batman will be able to access the Batcave by using the new Batwing which has been implemented as a fast travel system, whilst in the Batcave they come across the Batmobile under some tarps half built. We can probably safely assume that the Batmobile won€™t feature in the game but there is always a small chance (a very small chance, miniscule) that it could be fixed. We have seen the Batmobile only once and it did serve a purpose which was to knock Bane into the water in Arkham Asylum. Wouldn€™t it be great to have missions where you are chasing criminals across the city in the Batmobile, ploughing through cars and using the on-board weaponry. I realise this is potentially a silly idea considering the mechanics of this game don€™t exactly adhere to driving but if handled right it could be a fun way to kill an hour in the game and could make traversing Gotham City all the more interesting.

Folk know me as Al but I mostly go by Bald Gamer Dude, I not only write but have a gaming YouTube channel ( and run a Podcast too ( You can usually find me on the comfy chair with controller in hand or at the PC nursing a bad case of RSI.