Batman: Arkham - Ranking EVERY Villain Worst To Best

28. Quincy Sharp

Batman Arkham city mr freeze
Warner Bros.

Created specifically for the Arkham franchise, Quincy Sharp first appears in Batman: Arkham Asylum as the hospital's warden. He is shown to be stern and unflappable, but otherwise relatively inconspicuous.

However, as Batman uncovers strange artefacts scattered around Arkham Island pertaining to the 'Spirit of Arkham', it's later revealed that Sharp, obsessed with the Asylum's founder, Amadeus Arkham, and this spirit are one and the same.

Sharp refuses to accept his schizophrenic tendencies, and as a result, has developed a split personality manically devoted to "cleaning up" Gotham - meaning killing its undesirables on the sly.

Somehow, he manages to become Mayor by the time of Arkham City, having suggested the idea in the first place and turning a blind eye to Hugo Strange's unspeakable experiments on the inmates. On the flip side, he then finds himself trapped in the treacherous prison city, and the people trapped in there with him, many of whom were patients at Arkham Asylum, don't take too kindly to his presence.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.