Batman: Arkham - Ranking EVERY Villain Worst To Best

26. Azrael

Batman Arkham city mr freeze

One of Batman: Arkham City's most intriguing side quests sees Batman run into a mystery onlooker at various points around Gotham. This armour-clad enigma reveals he has been watching the Dark Knight for a long time, explaining a little more at each tricky-to-spot location.

At the end of the quest, he reveals himself as Azrael, and tells of a prophecy concerning the end of Batman, promising that they will meet again.

And meet again they do, in Batman: Arkham Knight. Azrael leaves burning bat symbols across the city, offering himself as Batman's successor once this night is through. Batman uncovers more about him each time, eventually learning his real name, Michael Lane, and his association with the Order of St. Dumas.

Azrael shows up at the clock tower just as Batman discovers a hidden brainwashing technique by the Order, and the player, taking control of the sacred knight, is given a choice: break the Sword of Sin and renounce the Order, or use it to kill Batman.

Obviously, then, what sets him apart from others on this list is that he's only the villain if you make him so.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.