Batman: Arkham - Ranking EVERY Villain Worst To Best

22. Man-Bat

Batman Arkham city mr freeze
Warner Bros.

With its many well-crafted homages to the '90s animated series, the Arkhamverse wouldn't be complete without featuring the first villain to ever darken that show's doorway.

The best thing about this side quest in Arkham Knight is that it takes you completely by surprise. You're just gliding around the open world, minding your own business, when you make the mistake of grappling up to a rooftop and suddenly, you're inches away from a bat-like monstrosity shrieking right in your face. No matter how many times you've played the game, I defy you not to jump out of your skin when Man-Bat makes his debut.

After several run-ins with the creature, Batman discovers that Man-Bat is really Dr. Kirk Langstrom, a scientist attempting to splice human and bat DNA as a cure for deafness. He tested the formula on himself, and his transformation resulted in the death of his wife, Francine.

Batman manages to restore Langstrom to his human form and bring him in to the GCPD, where he spends the rest of the game drowning in grief and remorse.

But is this really the end of Man-Bat? Maybe you should come boot up the game on Halloween and find out...


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.