Batman: Arkham - Ranking EVERY Villain Worst To Best

20. Killer Croc

Batman Arkham city mr freeze

A rare example of an enemy who has appeared in every major instalment of the Batman: Arkham series, made even rarer by his constant evolution (literally) as the story unfolds.

Waylon Jones, born with a progressive genetic disorder that makes him more and more reptilian over time, eventually embraced his animalistic side, devouring men and and holding a deep-seated hatred for humanity.

He's one of Black Mask's assassins in Arkham Origins, his condition still relatively nascent. Arkham Asylum sees a drastic change in him, having bitten off the hand of security guard Aaron Cash and becoming more beast than man. Batman's time in Killer Croc's lair is one of the most tense sequences in the entire series, requiring the Dark Knight to step lightly and slowly to avoid rousing the beast in the waters below.

A brief cameo in Arkham City later, Croc reappears in the Season of Infamy expansion of Arkham Knight, where, held captive in the prison airship of Iron Heights, he is brutally tortured by Warden Ranken, the experiments greatly exacerbating his condition. Batman is forced to subdue him and take him in to the GCPD - but makes sure to also drop Ranken off for good measure.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.