Batman: Arkham - Ranking EVERY Villain Worst To Best

18. Victor Zsasz

Batman Arkham city mr freeze
Warner Bros.

Speaking of Gotham's most unstable residents...

Victor Zsasz is first seen as an inmate of Arkham Asylum, escaping when the place is taken over by the Joker and holding several staff members hostage. He later appears in a hallucination caused by Scarecrow's fear toxin.

In Arkham City, his role is expanded into the main antagonist of the side mission, Cold Call Killer. Zsasz contacts Batman through payphones across the city, instructing him to reach another phone before Zsasz kills one of his victims.

It's during that quest that his backstory is revealed. Once a wealthy socialite whose parents were murdered (like Bruce Wayne), Victor gambled all of his money away and soon discovered his true passion in life: endless, agonising, indiscriminate killing.

The tally marks on his body represent each person he has killed, making him one of the most prolific mass murderers in Gotham's history. And though he doesn't prove much of a physical threat to Batman, his creativity and cunning add a whole new level of danger to the man's insatiable bloodlust.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.