Batman: Arkham - Ranking EVERY Villain Worst To Best

16. Bane

Batman Arkham city mr freeze

Another polarising entry on this list, Bane sure has his ups and downs throughout the Arkham series. One of the great subversions of his character archetype in the comics was his fierce intellect to go with his superhuman strength. But here, the degree to which that balance is pulled off varies quite dramatically.

The most faithful portrayal of Bane is in Arkham Origins, where, as another Black Mask assassin, he tries to deal with his addiction to the performance-enhancing drug, venom, by creating a replacement, TN-1. During his research, he comes extremely close to figuring out Batman's secret identity, and may very well have done so, had the effects of the TN-1 not caused him permanent memory loss.

In Arkham Asylum, Bane is experimented on by Dr. Penelope Young to create the superior Titan drug. Predictably, he becomes addicted to this instead, and unfortunately, in both Asylum and City, his portrayal makes him seem little more than a simple-minded brute.

Still, he's better than the Bane in Batman and Robin.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.