Batman: Arkham - Ranking EVERY Villain Worst To Best

8. Arkham Knight

Batman Arkham city mr freeze

The titular character of Batman: Arkham Knight gets top billing for a reason. He's got more reason than anyone to be after Batman's head, and he's here in Gotham City with an entire army just to collect his prize.

Sporting armour and a high-tech visor in deliberate resemblance to his foe, the Arkham Knight is very forthcoming about his control over the city. His militia set up checkpoints and watchtowers right across the three islands of central Gotham, while automated battle drones patrol both the streets and the skies in search of the Bat.

He's Batman's equal in virtually every way - speed, tactics, fighting style, intelligence - because he claims to know the man like none of his other enemies ever could. And why?

Because he's really former Robin, Jason Todd, that's why.

Yes, his reveal is really quite underwhelming, especially considering that he later becomes the Red Hood and so could easily just have been him the whole time. That aside, though, there's no denying that he puts his absolute all into his crusade against the Dark Knight - and he could've done much worse on the costume front.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.