Batman: Arkham - Ranking EVERY Villain Worst To Best

2. Joker

Batman Arkham city mr freeze
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

...Excuse me while I wring out my shirt after your collective spit-take.

Yes, you probably thought the Joker being at the top of this list was a foregone conclusion. Yes, Mark Hamill's reprisal of his Animated Series role makes for one of the best incarnations of the Clown Prince of Crime in any medium. But, exceptional though his time in the Arkham Series was, it was definitely not perfect.

Is anyone going to claim that the final boss of Arkham Asylum was a fitting usage of Joker's character? Despite an immaculate portrayal up until that point, the Joker injecting himself with Titan and becoming a hideous mutated beast was nothing short of a stupid idea. What it did do, however, was set in motion the events of Arkham City, which culminates in Joker's shocking death from Titan poisoning.

And although it's understandable for the writers to have wanted Batman's archenemy back in the last chapter of the series, the Joker is a bit Arkham Knight - especially considering he's not even alive.

But on the whole, those are minor things compared to all the Arkhamverse did right with the Joker. His influence is felt long after his death, among heroes and villains of Gotham City alike.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.