Batman: Arkham VR - 10 Big Things We Already Know

Come on, there's no way Nightwing can be dead... right?

Batman Arkham VR

For what's meant to be an apparent two hour Batman experience, Arkham VR certainly sounds as though it's packing a heavy punch. Narratively speaking of course, but still, whereas most virtual reality demos have failed to make an impression on the many journalists who descended upon the E3 show floor, Arkham seems to have triumphed in doing so.

That's no surprise, considering Rocksteady Studios have brought their renowned polish and attention to detail for the Caped Crusader's first foray into VR. Gameplay has of course been given the most attention from commentators, but there's an awful lot to dissect here in terms of lore as well. Let's not forget that Arkham has its own expansive mythos now; one that spans across mediums in a manner most gaming franchises could rarely hope to achieve.

Arkham's first proper spin-off, then, should promise some pretty impactful narrative moments - something that's already been made clear through the revelation that the boy wonder himself, Dick Grayson, has apparently kicked the bucket. Like all comic book covers however, not all is as it seems, as an unknown assailant has rather brutally murdered Batman's former sidekick.


As The Dark Knight, it's your job to uncover the mystery, apprehend the crook and make it back home to Wayne Manor in time for hot cocoa with Alfred. We can't really say much as, well, no gameplay was released to the public. That said, we already know a lot more than you might think...

10. You'll Hit Piano Keys To Enter The Batcave Through Wayne Manor

Batman Arkham VR

Even though I'm not Batman, I imagine entering the cave by hitting a few keys on the piano before walking through the grandfather clock is a fairly liberating experience. We've seen it happen countless times through the character's various iterations; whether that be through the wonderful zaniness of Adam West sliding down the bat-pole, or Val Kilmer rushing down the super-fun-happy-slide in Batman Forever.

Either way it's something we've all wanted to experience for ourselves, and though it only sounds like we're getting treated to a fairly mundane elevator experience, that still doesn't stop the fact you'll be walking into the god damn batcave as the god damn Batman. Hopefully not in a Frank Miller vein, but you get my point.

No confirmation if you'll get to ride the robot T-Rex or not, but fingers crossed for now.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.