3. DLC & Premium
I put these into the same category, because one leads to the other. The DLC packs for Battlefield 3, so far, have been pretty good. Back to Karkand brought in some classic Battlefield 2 gameplay, Close Quarters, although the maps weren't that great, brought in some great weapons and assignments. Armoured Kill is where it's at at the moment, and those maps are great, especially on PC. Each DLC for Battlefield 3 has been given a theme. Back to Karkand's theme was Battlefield 2 maps, CQ's was, duh, close quarters, and Armoured Kill focuses on massive vehicle fights. This focus makes for a better pack than most FPS DLC packs, which are usually just new maps and vehicles. You could argue that BF3 packs are just map packs, but with new features and entire new vehicle sets brought in, there is just so much more than what we're used to, and that's a great thing.