BATTLEFIELD 3 Requires Origin for PC

PC users who buy a retail copy of Battlefield 3 will still be forced to use the EA's digital distribution service Origin to play the game.

retail copy of Battlefield 3 will still be forced to use the EA's digital distribution service Origin to play the game. It is not known whether buying the game on another digital distribution site will still require you to be connected to Origin, but at this point I wouldn't bet against it. The Battlefield series was basically designed for the PC and it kind of pisses me off the way EA is treating their loyal customers this way. EA who wants Battlefield 3 to compete with Call of Duty seems to be making one bad PR decision after another. CD Projekt RED who released the Witcher 2 earlier this year did a great job by refusing to force a DRM on people and were lauded for it. EA has gone the opposite way and seems to want to frustrate the PC fans who helped make this game what it is today. What do you think, will this affect the way you purchase the game or is this not a big deal?


I have been playing video games all my life but not only that I enjoy discussing them just as much as I love playing them. Therefore after going through college to get a criminal justice degree I became a freelance video game writer.