BATTLEFIELD 3 Single Player Campaign Length Revealed
Will be longer than the six hour Modern Warfare campaign but only slightly.

"I'd say it was probably slightly more than that. Based on our play-times it's probably more than that, but it's not twice as long. But, again, we'll see. When you play it on hard difficulty, it'll take a lot more time. It's all about making sure the experience is as awesome as possible. I'd rather have six hours of awesome than 12 hours of 'meh'."In addition, Goldfarb talked about the need to give players incentives for people who want to go back and have second and third play throughs of the single player campaign;
"I think we have some pretty cool achievements that people will want to go back and get, It's not like an RPG in that way, but we have tried to incentivize people to come back and play on different difficulties, and so on."Finally he gave some details on the single player campaign story, basically stating that it is a work of fiction and that DICE has to be careful not to offend anyone when creating a game set in the Middle East.
"It's not about religions, or populations of people and it's not about countries. It is fiction, andwe have to be very cautious about what it suggests because people will take it in a certain way. We're really trying to make it feel real, but at the same time we have an obligation to not demonize people or places, and I think that's something that's really important to us."Is the single player campaign length a disappointment to you, were you expecting a longer single player campaign, or are you only buying this game for the multiplayer aspect of it?