Battlefield 4: 10 Ways It Can Topple Call Of Duty

2. Map Creation

If the next-generation consoles are going to be all about innovation, creation, and as Sony are hard-selling, "sharing", then they will need to get developers on board with the idea too. In the PC FPS community, map creation is a hugely popular element of gaming, and one which EA disappointingly didn't deliver with Battlefield 3, as the game had no in-box modding tools whatsoever, disappointing given the game's massive potential to be one of the most enjoyable tools for adventurous, creative players the world over. Hopefully this will be remedied for BF4. Given that CoD has never made much advancement in this area either - especially on consoles - the new tools that next-gen consoles will provide for even casual gamers (specifically the PS4's more tactile touchpad) might make it more feasible to make all those delicate tweaks without needing a mouse. As for PC players, it's something we've come to expect from FPS games, so hopefully EA will listen to fans and restore this feature for the fourth Battlefield.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]