Battlefield 6: Every Leak And Rumour You NEED To Know

1. Bad Company 3?


The strongest rumour that existed when talk of a new Battlefield game emerged, was the release of a third Bad Company.

Apparently, a Reddit user by the name of 'Leakythrowaway123' had the opportunity to meet with two former DICE employees who had allegedly left the studio on bad terms. According to the user, the two stated the game development company were working on two new games prior to the release of Battlefield 1. One of the concepts is said to have been Bad Company 3 - designated for release in 2018.

With issues around timing, the game was not deemed ready and is said to have been delayed, with Battlefield 5 pulled forward, giving some reason to the perceived, unfinished parts of the game. This rumour led many to believe the 2021 release of Battlefield would see the third Bad Company finally released. Sadly this won't be the case.

It's thought Bad Company 3 was suspended in May 2019, with the idea being the existing progress would be used to produce something else. The game has apparently been shelved for the future, as DICE didn't feel the game had the appropriate Bad Company feel to it.


Harvey Leonard hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.