Battlefield V 2018: 10 Things It Must Do Better Than 1

7. Better Expansions (And A Longterm Plan)

Battlefield 1

While there were worries that Battlefield 1, with its lack of weapons, vehicles and map variety, wouldn't have the longevity of other entries in the series, its expansive post-release stream of DLC was poised to solve that problem. The expansions have admittedly been pretty decent, adding in a couple of must-play maps as well as keeping the game alive for longer than most people expected, but they weren't the essential additions they could have been.

In fact, in a lot of ways, they actually failed to capitalise on the unique ideas the base game introduced. The Behemoths were sorely missing from the expansions, inherently making them feel less spectacular than the all-out-war feel of the original levels. Likewise, although the weapons introduced were great, they were locked behind frustrating upgrade screens which made them difficult to actually get ahold of.

With the next Battlefield though, DICE need to have a long-term plan to keep the game alive post-launch. Weirdly enough, Call of Duty has actually done a pretty good job at this, releasing new content, modes and seasonal twists (often for free) to keep players jumping back in.

All of Battlefield's content on the other hand is gated behind a season pass, but this approach needs to become fluid if EA want to continue to rub shoulders with the other multiplayer heavy hitters.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3