Before FIFA 14: 5 Ways To Annoy Your Opponent

4. Pausing Constantly

fifa pause screen Ok, so people have lives outside of their virtual worlds, but still it€™s incredibly annoying to be playing a game interrupted by full length pauses again and again. If you€™ve decided to play an online match you should stick to it, sacrifice all real world obligations to sit down and play the 12 (ish) minutes out. Of course there are some occasions when serious substitutions need to take place, but how often does an opponent pause the game for 30 seconds only to resume play having changed nothing? In the on-going efforts of EA to achieve realism in their game it€™s an infuriating flaw of online play that one can halt the game mid match repeatedly. Perhaps it€™s less annoying than not skipping the intros but still a sure way to wind up the opposing player.
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Sixth form student with academic interests in History, Geography and English. Obsessed with tennis and a lover of sport in general. Also good at watching films and playing video games.