Before GTA V: 10 Hardest Missions From Games Gone By

2. End Of The Line

endoftheline The final mission in San Andreas, "End of the Line" is perhaps one of the most difficult missions out of all the "final boss levels" in the series, mainly because it has so many different stages. First, you need a SWAT tank in order to bust through the wall of Big Smokes crack den, then you need to battle your way up to the fourth floor in order to kill Smoke, before using a pair of night vision goggles to help you escape from a darkened room. With the building now in flames, the next step is to beat the clock and escape before it explodes, whilst using a fire extinguisher to clear a space through the flames to run through. Once you've escaped the crack den, you have to chase Tenpenny's fire truck, rescue Sweet who is dangling precariously from an outstretched ladder, kill all the Vagos and Ballas who are chasing you down on motorbikes and cars whilst all the while making sure your vehicle health doesn't expire. There are so many ways you can fail this mission and it is easily one of the most difficult missions in the whole series, but it's worth it in the end to see Tenpenny get his comeuppance.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.