3. Bomb Da Base Act 2
Game: GTA3
Objective: Provide sniper cover fire while 8-Ball plants a bomb on a boat
Why is it hard: When I say provide cover fire as 8-Ball plants a bomb I mean provide cover fire while 8-Ball runs headfirst through a pack of Cartel boys without even trying to defend himself or take cover. The mission is only possible if you are familiar with the exact location of every enemy and even then it is still frustrating because the aiming is floaty and very imprecise. The only way I have ever done it is by boxing 8-Ball into a corner with strategic vehicle placement. You then proceed with the killing and afterwards let 8-Ball loose to run feet-down head first like the starting bullet for a horse race was just fired. If you can do this mission the way Rockstar intended than youre probably a gaming God of luck.