Before GTA V: 10 Reasons GTA IV is the Best in the Series

8. The Depth of the Driving Mechanics

As you€™ll probably know, as you€™ll know doubt be involved in, there€™s raging debate about whether GTA IV€™s driving mechanics were just too realistic and sim-based to be featured in a GTA game. No doubt the new driving mechanics enraged certain returning fans to the point they turned the game off, heads shaking, before trading it in at the local store for something else. The problem is, up until IV, GTA wasn€™t a series you had to €˜master€™. You could pretty much just pick up and play whatever your standard. But with GTA IV, R* introduced a mechanic that required practice, that required tenacity. Hence, many returning fans were put off entirely by the change. I€™m not on the fence on this issue, not by a long shot. On record, I think GTA IV boasts, and by a massive margin, the greatest driving mechanics in the entire series. Sure, they€™re difficult to master, that€™s not in contention. But does difficult to master mean worse? I€™m not so sure it does. My view is that when you master something difficult, the rewards are all the greater. And when you master GTA IV€™s driving system, that€™s when you realise that it might just be the most subtle, nuanced and satisfying driving experience of its kind.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.