Bethesda's Starfield: Every Fact & Rumour So Far

5. The Connected Universe Theory

Fallout 76

If you wouldn't mind, please pick up your tinfoil hats and ensure that they are firmly fixed upon your head. This is heavy speculation, but the focal point of the leaks that came last year. The leaker claims that Starfield is Bethesda's missing link, serving as a way to connect Fallout and The Elder Scrolls into one ginormous timeline.

Sounds crazy, but bear with me.

Essentially, Fallout would be the start, with Starfield coming next and linking into Elder Scrolls.

There have always been a lot of theories regarding the interconnectivity of the two existing Bethesda universes. The existence of nirnroot (an important alchemical plant in Elder Scrolls) in Fallout 4 is as tangible as things get, but the justification for the connected world is a little more interesting. The idea that Fallout's irradiated wasteland could give birth to the fantastical multi-racial, inter-species world of the Elder Scrolls is a promising premise, and well worth at least a passing thought.

Still, the most tangible piece of evidence is a glowing piece of shrubbery...

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.