Beyond Good & Evil 2 Still in Development
Beyond Good & Evil 2 may not be released until next generation of consoles.

"We won't make promises that we can't keep, We are in an active creation stage and at this moment we are only focusing on the game and making it the best game that we can. I can say that it's a very ambitious game and we need some tech to achieve that ambition." "We focus on the game. We create it first, then we'll see what can run it. We don't say 2013 because we don't know when it will come."Ancel then went on to talk about how some of the leaked third-person parkour footage of Beyond Good & Evil 2 is better than some of the games it was based on:
"We had this concept even before Mirror's Edge launched. And we have a different approach to the first person perspective that Mirror's Edge has. Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed are closer to what we have in mind with the control of the character in a third person perspective. "We use a very dynamic camera that shakes a lot during the action to add life to the camera giving the impression of an action news cover team following Jade. Maybe that could be similar to Mirror's Edge but the game itself is very different,"A new image (above) was released for the game, and I have to say it is not overly impressive for the amount of time spent on this game. At this point I would like to ask any fans of the series if you every see this game being released or will this end up being vaporware (computer software that is announced but never released)?