Beyond: Two Souls - 10 Things We Learned From The Demo

6. Aiden€™s Link To Jodie Is Explained

Beyond Two Souls We always knew that Aiden was a supernatural entity, but we didn€™t really know the details of how it is linked to Jodie. When you first take control of Aiden, it becomes obvious that they are linked by an invisible spectral blue cord. In other words, you can€™t wander too far away from Jodie, or the strength of the psychic bond begins to break. Not only does this make perfect sense within the boundaries of the narrative, but also as a concise and well thought out gameplay mechanic that naturally weaves into your objectives. Simply put, we finally understand how the bond from birth functions.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.