Bioshock Infinite exponentially gains a little more hype with each piece of new information that is released. With a new vision for where the original premise of a society built a world away from limitations of government, the sky is the limit. One of the most intriguing aspects of the Bioshock universe is the enemies themselves, and Infinite isn't looking to be any less creative with the foes you will face. Last week Irrational Games revealed the first of their
Heavy Hitters. The first video in the series highlighted the Motorized Patriot, and now we have part 2 of the Heavy Hitters series revealing the Handyman. http://youtu.be/0eDgjiy8JRc It will remain unclear until release what exactly happened to the Handymen and how they came to be prisoners in a body of steel, but speculation is sure to run rampant. Exposing only the heart of the character is an interesting visual centerpiece, that makes me wonder if there may be a connection with their origin. So many different iterations of the character were created, it's reasonable to believe that the story behind them is a tragic tale. Irrational's artists worked hard to capture that essence, and they've succeeded. The Handymen are sure to be a force to be reckoned with. Vast power, incredible agility, and sheer size are all challenges that await once the game releases October 16th.