Bioshock Infinite To Get Extreme Difficulty Mode

Players choices are promised to have "permanent consequences".

Irrational Games, the makers of Bioshock Infinite announced today a new 1999 mode for the game. This new game mode is a much more difficult setting of Bioshock Infinite; where players choices are promised to have "permanent consequences". Things such as which plasmids you choose, to what weapons you upgrade, will have irrevirsible consequences as you play through 1999 mode. Irrational Games said on their official blog:

"With every choice you make, there are irreversible implications, and if your choices guide you down a path not suited to your play style, you will suffer for it. It's not simply a matter of adjusting the difficulty sliders in the game €“ the team went much further than that."
In addition, things like frequent re-spawn points have been removed as well as ammo will be in much shorter supply than a normal playthough of the game. Not to mention the health system will have a overhaul for 1999 mode "set to an entirely different baseline"; and according to the Creative Director Ken Levine there will be "saves" but "you're gonna f***ing need them." This mode sounds amazing and now I am even more hyped for what will hopefully be one of the best experiences in gaming this year. Are any of you out there going to use this 1999 mode?


I have been playing video games all my life but not only that I enjoy discussing them just as much as I love playing them. Therefore after going through college to get a criminal justice degree I became a freelance video game writer.