Borderlands: 10 Brilliant Moments That Made Us Hardcore Fans

8. Face McShooty The Borderlands series is packed with engaging characters that we€™ve come to know and love, or even love to hate. However, some of its finest characters actually don't stick around for as long as the more familiar faces like Sir Hammerlock, and one of the finest throwaway characters is Face McShooty, the bandit that just really, really wants to be shot in the face. Hearing him burst out "THANK YOU!!" when you finally gave him that sweet release of a bullet to the head was hilarious. It's nice to think that Face McShooty now smiles down upon us for our selfless act of kindness towards him.
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A young man with a hairy face. Will often tell you that winter is coming before retreating to his mancave to play video games with a wooly jumper at the ready, just in case.