3. It Is Genuinely Funny
As I have alluded to before, Tiny Tina has her lovers and her haters. Her personality is quite likeable but also somewhat abrasive. So your enjoyment of the DLC may well be marred by it being very Tina centric. For me though, it works perfectly. The humour on display here is totally nerdy, but also works really well within the context of the game. From the hour I played I laughed more than a hand full of times which isn't all that common in a game, let alone a DLC. Gearbox have clearly put effort into making a worthwhile DLC that is not afraid to tickle your funny bone. The humour is a mix of Tiny Tina's personality as well as the ridiculousness of repurposing the vault hunters into a fantasy setting. Quite often characters from both Borderlands and Borderlands 2 will drop in, cause their own bit of havoc in the campaign and then drop out. It is all pretty silly but also lots of fun to boot, and the writers have obviously taken one of their most beloved past times in Dungeons and Dragons and used that as a source of comedy.