Breath Of The Wild 2: 7 Details You May Have Missed From The E3 2021 Trailer

4. Hyrule Is Back

Breath of the Wild 2

Whilst at first it may seem like the floating islands that are weirdly reminiscent of Skyloft will be the only setting in the game, if you listen to the wording of Eiji Aonuma after the trailer he phrases it as if they are an addition to Hyrule.

Eiji Aonuma says "the setting for the adventure has been expanded to include the skies above Hyrule". The word "include" implies that Hyrule will also be an explorable area.

Also with the eerie image of a floating Hyrule Castle at the end of the trailer, it implies that you will be able to go there.You can't go to Hyrule Castle without visiting Hyrule, after all. Also looking at the environment shown off in the trailer, some of it is clearly on the ground.

Whilst this might disappoint people, it looks like a lot of the game will still take place on the floating islands.

Finally, with the long development time of the game expect Hyrule to have changed a bit. A sequel that reuses the exact same map and adds a couple of islands doesn't take this long to make. So, expect a lot of floating islands and a Hyrule which has transformed since you last visited.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.