Breath Of The Wild 2: 7 Details You May Have Missed From The E3 2021 Trailer

2. Zelda Is Probably Not Playable

Breath of the Wild 2

Short hair to reduce the need for much hair physics? Check.

Both Link and Zelda are wearing similar clothes in the reveal trailer implying that they would both be playable and you could play dress-up with both of them? Check.

Eiji Aonuma failing to decline that Zelda would be playable? Check.

It will be great seeing Zelda playable in the second Breath of the Wild 2 trailer! Wait, did she just fall down a hole?

Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that we will be able to play as Princess Zelda in the upcoming game. The trailer shows Zelda falling down a hole, probably to some final dungeon that Link will have to go to.

We also clearly see Link running around the world without Zelda by his side.

Whilst it's still not impossible that she's playable. The beginning of the game could always let you pick a character and then make you watch the other one get tossed into the abyss, how likely is that really?

If you were advertising your new Zelda game one of the first things you'd show is that you can play as either Link or Zelda, it would be a huge selling point.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.