Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare - 10 Big Reasons To Buy It

4. The Virtual Firing Range Have you ever built a new class on Call of Duty but been unsure of how it will play in-game? It's a fairly common problem and it stops people from trying something new out. Thankfully, Sledgehammer have a solution to this. The Virtual Firing Range will offer players the chance to test out their class and loadout before venturing onto public servers; saving themselves from potentially embarrassing themselves with a weak class. The theory behind this is great. It allows players to experiment without ruining their precious kill-death ratio while also helping to improve their abilities. With the reintroduction of the Pick 13 loadout system (you pick 13 items - score-streaks, perks, grenades, weapons - to equip your loadout with), many will want to fine-tune their class without the fear of being annihilated. Plus, this feature has great potential. Like the Skill Games in the Fifa series which allow you to test and practice your skills, the Virtual Firing Range could follow a similar path. For example, it could feature an obstacle course (featuring live targets) with a leaderboard allowing you to compare your times with your friends. It's these sort of features that will bring people back to Advanced Warfare time and time again.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.