Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare - 6 Essential Tips To Rank Up Fast

6. Sell Your Unwanted Supply Drop Items

You can redeem XP for the items you receive in supply drops. All those times you open your supply drop hoping for double XP across a 45 minutes window, only to you receive a pair of Nigerian Police Gloves or a gun you don't like - you could be redeeming these items for 500, 1000 or 2000 XP. Just head to the Armory section when in the pre-game lobby, go to the Redeemable Items section and get rid of the items you have no need for. Top Tip: If you're planning on entering the Prestige mode (a reset of your level after hitting the cap), keep a stash of redeemable items to help boost you through the early rounds as quickly as possible.

Call of Duty gamer, NUFC fan and all round nice guy.